Implementation, Support & Testing


Enabling and improving the use of new educational programs and tools


New educational methods and resources have the potential to improve people’s lives. There are already thousands of learning resources available, and this huge amount of choice can make it difficult to decide on the best way of doing things. We want to give people the chance to learn more effectively. Not simply by evolving current methods, but by introducing new concepts and radically new ways of doing things, which make the most of current technologies and theories. This means that we also need to provide access to these new educational programs, and to introduce them to people in a way that allows them to use them effectively.

We want to enable teachers, students and independent learners to access our resources and start getting results quickly. Usability is a key element in the design of our programs. People need to feel comfortable and familiar when interacting with one of our educational applications. We therefore provide support to teachers and learners, so that they have the instructions they need to get up and running quickly. This may be in the form of simple instructions, or it may include things like lesson plans or course schedules. People should have a clear idea of what they can achieve and how they can take steps towards these goals, so that they know what kind of progress they can expect to make, and how quickly. We want to ensure that our educational resources are used in the most effective way, so that people get the most out of them.

The relationship that we have with teachers, learners, parents and educational managers is also very important. This is because methods and resources are always in development and we want to continue to improve based on feedback from the people who use them. When releasing a new educational tool, we might cooperate with schools and social groups to test new methods and to get suggestions from people taking part in a trial. This might give us ideas for new features, or allow us to refine the way they work or add new content to meet the demands of users.

Formal testing is also an important part of testing effectiveness. By testing people and understanding how they progress, we can find ways to optimise educational methods. This may be done using standardise tests and exams that are already part of a course. Alternatively, we might develop our own surveys and assessment methods in order to collect evidence and analyse results. This evidence-based approach to design and development is really important, not just in terms of learning outcomes, but also in terms of people’s learning experience. So we also want to get feedback on how easy they are to use, how they can help people to stay motivated, or how they affect more general things such as cognition, satisfaction and wellbeing.

We believe that leaning should not only be focussed on exam results and formal testing. Students and learners should feel good about their own progress and should be able to learn in a way that is not causing unnecessary stress, anxiety or frustration. That’s why qualitative feedback is just as important as testing. The best way to get this kind of feedback is simply by asking people. We might invite parents, teachers and students to tell us what they think and to help us find ways to improve their experience. 

Collaboration & Commissions

We take commissions and collaborate with other organisations to develop new educational applications. If you or your team would like to create a bespoke learning tool or an interactive educational program, you should contact us to discuss your ideas and objectives.